About Us
About Us
Pioneered Strength is a gym that values hard work, dedication, and a supportive community. Head Coach Aron Weatherford has been involved in various sports throughout his life and has learned from some of the best coaches in the industry. The gym started in Aron’s garage and has grown into a profitable business that helps clients increase their strength. Pioneered Strength uses the Conjugate Sequence System, which is a training method that involves a large exercise selection and interchangeable training methods. The gym culture encourages cheering each other on, being competitive, and holding each other accountable. Pioneered Strength is constantly striving to improve both inside and outside of the gym, including learning new training methods, purchasing quality equipment, and expanding their brand awareness. Overall, Pioneered Strength is a gym dedicated to helping clients achieve their strength goals in a supportive and challenging environment.

Head Coach Aron Weatherford has been pushing his physical boundaries in sport from a young age. Starting out as a long distance runner winning 5K races at the age of 9, to learning Brazilian Ju Jitsu at 12, to becoming a wrestler 14, to running Cross County at 15, to becoming a competitive Powerlifter until current day. Sport has taught him the importance of training methodologies and training effort over time, which encouraged him to learn from the best coaches available to him. Constantly reading and learning from others Aron Weatherford strives to be the best Coach he can possibly be.

Starting in Aron’s Garage gym by himself he began to ask others to train with him. His new training partners invited more friends and those friends brought more, and eventually became large enough to start a profitable training business. The team learned methods from reading, watching videos, experimenting, and listing to others and acquired the knowledge to become as strong as they can be in the weight room. Every person that has walked through the doors of Pioneered Strength has made an increase in strength, proving that the knowledge learned is correct and works for everyone.
-The methods that were used by Soviet Weightlifters in mid to late 1900’s are the same methods used by current Chinese Weightlifters and are the same methods used by the strongest Powerlifters on earth, and now are the methods used by Pioneered Strength. Louie Simmons at Westside Barbell is the man who brought these methods to main stream in the US, and is usually referred to as the Conjugate Sequence System. This system has a large exercise selection and many training methods that can be interchangeable between lifters or time of season. Understanding these methods is extremely important to Pioneered Strength trainees so that they can all be part of the learning and planning processes with the coach.
Starting in Aron’s Garage gym by himself he began to ask others to train with him. His new training partners invited more friends and those friends brought more, and eventually became large enough to start a profitable training business. The team learned methods from reading, watching videos, experimenting, and listing to others and acquired the knowledge to become as strong as they can be in the weight room. Every person that has walked through the doors of Pioneered Strength has made an increase in strength, proving that the knowledge learned is correct and works for everyone.
Pioneered Strength is constantly trying to improve both inside and outside qualities of our business. Learning new training methods, purchasing new equipment, moving to a larger space are all things we are constant pushing towards to improve inside qualities. Selling apparel, advertising, communication skills, and brand awareness are outside qualities we try to improve. Not only becoming larger as a brand, but improving the quality of our training and products are the stepping stones that lead us to our future as a business.
Head Coach Aron Weatherford Is Here To Help You Reach Heights You’ve Never Thought Imaginable.